Thursday, November 27, 2008

Monday, November 24th

The day began at Mass with the Sisters. It was an intimate prayer moment with like-minded missioners who are doing their best to witness service and peace to a broken people. Our prayer supported our weak and struggling hearts.

After breakfast Emmanuel and I walked through the town to the Cathedral compound where the Youth Offices are. We walked because I have a firm belief that we never truly understand a situation unless we walk it where the ordinary poor walk. The conversations we overhear, the struggles, and the conflicts we see are part and parcel of the life they live. The poverty is by far worse than what I had seen in the past and it is oppressive.

I wanted to meet with the Youth Unit of the Diocese. I actually ended up meeting with most of the Development department for an ad hoc briefing on the work of AFJN and the restorative justice project. It was very well received and fits into some of their programming as well.

I walked over to the shrine near the Cathedral where two young Sierra Leonean priests I knew well are now buried. They both died after I left. Both were young and both died of diseases that better health care would have overcome.

In the afternoon I was able to take advantage of a ride to Freetown with Sr Therese and the nurse Katherina. Emmanuel and I joined them, ending a warm and wonderful visit to Kenema.

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