Friday, November 7, 2008

Introducing AFJN

November 5th, 2008

We woke to the news of Barack Obama's win. Needless to say, many in Africa are jubilant! The local news here in Ghana bills it as a new day for US Africa relations. In the afternoon today I had my first meeting at the Secretariat for the Pan African Bishop's conference - SECAM. I met with Mr. Ben Ossorow, the communications director, and Fr. Terwase Akkaabian, the first Deputy Secretary of SECAM. I introduced them to AFJN's work and focused our discussions on the Restorative Justice Project as well as their take on AFRICOM. They offered both some helpful suggestions in approach for our outreach to groups with regards to the RJ project as well as some sharp concerns about the proliferation of arms across Africa and issues related to the militarization around the continant. AFRICOM will not help the security of Africa. In the end, the discussion focused on the African Synod of '09, its preparation, and how AFJN and the Catholic Task Force for Africa in DC can aid in making the US Church better aware of what solidarity may look like using this Synod as a start. It was a good and helpful visit and links will be made. In the evening I met with Sumila, the friend of the Sisters here, who will bring me to the push boys from the North on Friday to gather their stories.

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