Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Arrival in Sierra Leone

Friday November 14th

In the dead of night, Air Moroc approached Lungi Airfield in Sierra Leone. We arrived on time and in a matter of minutes I was out of customs and on my way to our rest house in Lungi. Fr. Louis Brioni, a friend and fellow Xaverian Missionary, picked me up and settled me in for the night.

In the afternoon the following day, we visited the School Sisters of Notre Dame in nearby Lokomasama, a chiefdom headquarters some 15 miles away where there is a Secondary School that they staff. I had been missioned with Sr. Antonette some 25 years ago in Kabala, so it was good to see her after so many years. In the evening we caught up with Bishop Biguzzi who was in the area on a pastoral visit to the neighboring parish of Masoila. All thee places were part of my stomping grounds in the early 1980’s when I was in charge of the primary school system for the Diocese of Makeni. It was good to reconnect with old friends and colleagues.

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